Wednesday, December 04, 2013

2013 5A South All-Region Girls Volleyball!

(County honorees in bold and italics, other Central Region honorees in bold...)


Jaelyn Jackson (Matoaca)
Rachel Stanford (Atlee)
Clarke Tyler (Atlee)
Emily Plumlee (Hickory)
Alex Toben (Princess Anne)
Rachel Wadsworth (Kellam)
Reilly King (Kellam)
Courtney Wiseman (LC Bird)
Chelsea Matthews (Lee-Davis)
Margaret Latchford (Princess Anne--Libero)


Alyssa Presto (Princess Anne)
Rachel Harris (Hickory)
T.C. Clubb (Manchester)
Sam Morton (Manchester)
Rachel Frankenberger (Kellam)
Julia Stech (LC Bird)
Brook Snead (Manchester)
Kennedy Sutton (Hickory)
Melanie Snyder (Atlee--Libero)

Player of the Year: Alex Toben (Princess Anne)
Coach of the Year: Curtis Carpenter (Atlee)

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